The Risks of Celebrity Diplomacy

The role of celebrity diplomats is increasingly important in the international sphere. They can use their high profile to gain access to different regions of the world, as well as busy government officials. However, the increase in celebrity diplomats can lead to issues for the cause in which they are trying to support. Celebrities are not often trained in diplomacy and foreign affairs, like many typical ambassadors. With celebrities, every aspect of their life is under constant surveillance, which can lead to a problem if they make even one small mistake or misjudgment in their personal or professional life. Typical diplomats however, are not under the same kind of pressure with paparazzi watching their every move, and are usually better trained to know what situations and people to avoid, as to not cause an issue.

I believe one solution to this would be for celebrities that are interested in becoming global diplomats or advocates, to take part in some kind of training by their state or by the organization they want to represent. This would ensure that they know how to behave and how to interact with individuals they will come across in their time. Another benefit to this training is that it would quiet some of the voices that claim celebrities have no business advocating on the global stage because they do not have the relevant experience. This may not appease every critic, but it is nonetheless a good argument to use when defending celebrity diplomat's legitimacy.

I believe that celebrities can greatly benefit a cause because of the large amounts of publicity and access that they bring. However, those who wish to follow this path must be careful in their language, actions, and daily lives even outside of supporting their cause. Any misstep can make the public turn of them and can essentially ruin all of the good they have already achieved.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe instead of some kind of class they instead advocate for a cause supported by a well established and reputable NGO. That way they can use their celebrity status and abilities to draw public attention towards a cause and an institution of professionals with international and situational experience. This would funnel the camera time and support for a cause toward something more fruitful. Ultimately both this idea and your idea, as potentially benefitial as they may be, will fall on deaf ears due to the hubris celebrities have.


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