Interests Change, Ideas Do Not

So far, it seems that I have a different understanding of ideas and interests than some other students in this class. After reviewing a couple PowerPoints from assignment 2, I couldn't help but wonder why their concepts of ideas and interests did not match mine. I will go through my understanding of these two terms, and then I hope you will comment your own understanding.

When looking at the Laffey and Weldes model it appears that it is more simple than I had previously thought. The model suggests that interests do not/cannot exist without the presence of ideas. I understood ideas to mean everything around you, what you were socialized in, and the environment you exist in. An idea is not something that can just be changed instantly, it would take a long period of time and a new way of thinking. Interests however can change easily as they are not the way a person thinks, they are what a person thinks about. The Laffey and Weldes model is the model that I find most compelling when analyzing international events, when using this understanding. Who knows, maybe what I understand is not what is meant at all. I hope that you will share your view and why you believe that to be the correct reasoning, so that I can look at other points of view.

1 comment:

  1. I don't necessarily agree that core interests change. I think we need like a sub category of interests that define this core. IDeas and interests are fluid based on the context of the particular agreement, however, there are more basic driving factors that we see as consistent and based on human nature. an interesting principle to compare to is Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. To what degree would you say that states follow this. And would this hierachy of needs define our true and immutable core interest. All humans need to secure food water and shelter, so states need to push policies like this. Humans desire community and belonging, so too states will promote community standards and projects like youth sports or other similar social programs.


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